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Karla Mason

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I wrote my very first book Dear Daughter, You Are Worthy! for daughters of every age, every background and from every part of the world. It was my desire to reach and remind my daughters, sisters, mothers that our worth has never been based on the things of this unsteady world but rather the constant never ending always present love of our creator and heavenly father. We were never created to be clones or imitators of the world but rather unique and authentic blessed and bold beings made in the image of God - each with our own priceless worth in the eyes of our Creator. Knowing who God created us to be, loving ourselves, using our gifts and walking in our purpose keeps us from being swayed by the unsteady ways of our world. It is my hope that my book Dear Daughters can help each reader get a deeper understanding of our true worthiness and God’s will for our precious lives.

Though my main goal was to reach and encourage girls who, like me, struggled with self confidence and self worth, I hoped it would also resonate with those who simply needed occasional reminders from time to time. And it has!!! I have heard from women from every walk of life at every age tell me how much Dear Daughter has impacted their lives. It’s simple enough for a young child to read yet advanced enough for women of all ages to glean something significant from. It is easy yet comprehensive, uplifting but very realistic, timeless and current all at once. It’s filled with all the gems of knowledge I wish I’d known and understood much earlier in my life but if my experiences can help me to better empathize, relate to and uplift others, then none of my pain was in vain.

I myself keep a copy on my nightstand for the moments my heart races and the days my mind can wander…and I need to be led back to His word, His promises and the holy spirit that dwells inside.  Each chapter begins with a truth about what God wants for our lives, followed by a life enriching poetry and words of wisdom from either myself and or some of the most prolific and insightful women of all time. In different ways many of us are saying the same thing - live with humility yet hope, self love yet self regulation, determination yet wisdom to act and speak in ways that are not detrimental to ourselves and/or others. God wants us to laugh and dance and celebrate and worship all the days of our lives. Weeping may come but joy can always be restored. God says it. We live it!!

Dates may change, fashion may circle round and round, technology may evolve and prices continue to rise but the word of God is constant, pure and true. We all may study, learn and digest in different ways but His love for us is clear and constant, his desire for us to learn and rise is evident and his word that we may live by is unchanging. Sometimes it can get confusing with all the books, lectures, sermons, tapes, etc. We can actually get information overload which is why I saw a need to write a book that is simple, clear, concise and for all people at all times. 

We all experience things in life that challenge us to rise, force us to overcome and push us to learn and do better. These triumphs don’t come easy and often it’s only through the grace of God and the support of our village that we are able to rise and shine through it all. There came a point in my life where I knew that I could either use my more painful experiences and lessons to encourage and uplift others or I could allow them to hold me hostage. It became most imperative to heal when I also realized that my lack of healing could and would be passed down to future generations. May this book and others help us to continue in our healing journeys!!

Please know that although I dedicated this book to all daughters, each word is true for ALL sons!

Dear Sonshines, do know that you are worthy of love and laughter, hope and healing, peace, power and protection and so much more!! God loves us all just the same! Though I feel he is using me to focus on and uplift our daughters, I believe I have a responsibility to also use whatever He has placed in me to spread His word as best I can - Our Heavenly Father created each of us to live a life that serves Him well, honors Him and leads us to joy, peace and hope, as He givens us not the world, always!

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